Why standard tools

Before the introduction of the PEP Manager, companies were often confronted with complex processes in product development. The processing of requests was laborious, the use of resources inefficient and the documentation often time-consuming. These difficulties led to delays, unused potential and difficult coordination between teams, which ultimately impaired the quality of the project results.

"Our goal is to transform your product development by enabling seamless processes and maximum efficiency. We strive to simplify request processing and deliver first-class results - all with ease."



Register now for a personal consultation or demo appointment and find out how we can transform your company. We are ready to write your success story. Let's get started!

Seamless integration and MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY

up to 30 %

Time saving
10 - 20 %

shorter throughput times
30 - 60 %

Less risk
Increased customer satisfaction through on-time delivery
Greater efficiency in planning and reduction of planning costs


Recording, prioritizing and managing customer inquiries
Automation of workflows for efficient processing
Resource and
Time recording
Monitoring resource utilization
Assigning tasks and tracking the progress of the project
Central storage and management of documents
Improving collaboration within teams
Cost-benefit analysis
Calculation and analysis of costs and benefits
Monitoring of quality standards
Risk analysis and
Identification, assessment and management of risks
Tracking and implementation of measures
Connection to existing systems and tools, such as ERP systems
Creation of a new request

Describe the request and determine the team: In this first step, you can easily create a new request. Start by describing the request in detail to ensure the team has all the relevant information. You can also determine the team responsible in order to distribute the task efficiently.

Defining the timeline: The timeline plays an important role in ensuring that the project stays on schedule. Set deadlines and keep track of progress.

Uploading files: Uploading files is a child's play. Upload all necessary documents and materials to ensure your team has everything they need for the task. Everything you need for a smooth request creation is available on this screen.

AI and OCR for documents

In this process step, the advanced world of AI and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) enters the stage. Here, documents are scanned automatically and the application is able to identify the relevant text areas through intelligent outlining. This saves valuable time and reduces human error. But that's not all.

AI-based text recognition enables the application to automatically identify and extract questions and tasks. This optimizes the process of task distribution and tracking. Welcome to the future of document processing and task derivation!

Evaluation of the request

The aim here is to evaluate the request in detail to ensure that it offers the desired ROI (return on investment). The application enables a thorough analysis of the necessity of the project to ensure that it meets the strategic objectives of your company.

You can also determine the resources required, whether in terms of budget, time or personnel. The impact of the project on your company is also evaluated to ensure that it delivers the expected benefits.

Another important aspect is the risk-benefit analysis. The application helps you to identify potential risks and weigh up whether the benefits outweigh the risks. A well-founded evaluation is the key to the successful implementation of a request.

Processing various tasks

The application makes it possible to store different information based on different task types. Users can provide detailed information that can be used to create documentation and calculations.

It is also possible to describe documents and collect relevant files. Finally, all the information can be combined and downloaded in a compact ZIP package. This process is flexible and customizable to meet individual requirements.

Planning view

The planning view provides a clear overview of all current requests and tasks. Here you have the option of monitoring the utilization of resources in real time. The application clearly indicates problems such as non-compliance with deadlines so that action can be taken in good time.

Planning is flexible, as you can simply drag and drop tasks. This interactive view facilitates resource optimization and ensures smooth implementation of your projects. Welcome to the future of planning and monitoring!

Service description

You have the option of automatically generating a detailed description of the services provided. The application makes it possible to compile all relevant documents and materials in a compact ZIP package. As soon as the service description has been completed, you can conveniently send it to the relevant parties by e-mail. Efficiency and accuracy are the focus of this section to ensure your projects are completed smoothly.